Happy 1st Birthday, John Wei Stumbaugh!!!

It's March 8th, 2009. What a special day in little Johnny's life! Although Daddy had to kiss him good-bye and board a plane, we were, indeed together to celebrate this sweet day in our 1-year old's life. (Madison, Abby and Adam - how would you like to celebrate?)
So, what did we have planned for his big day? Mr. Zhou (pictured above) has planned a trip to the Guangzhou Zoo!
The weather was gloomy, but in no way did it dampen our spirits! The animals much preferred the 50+ degree misty weather to the summer zoo trips we've taken in the past. We have to shoot for the cloudy, cooler days from here on out!
The "funniest" animal of the day award was a slam dunk.

It was a CAMEL that one of the young daughters said "had a broken hump". Poor guy! Granted, HE didn't think it was so funny, but our group did!
The "most affectionate" animal(s) of the day award was also quite obvious. (Adam, this one is for YOU, buddy!) It was the HIPPOS! For any of you wondering if there is such a thing as hippo amor, "Love was in the air"!!!

Check the kissin' couple. I think I may have heard them say, "Could we have a little privacy, please?" But, it was in Chinese, so I'm not 100% sure.
There were so many photo-ops at the zoo. And, it's a good thing one of our adoptive parents brought along two digital cameras, as our camera had obviously seen better days. After taking 3-4 pictures at the front gate, the camera displayed "card reader error". Now, I could complain about the timing, but I won't. I would have been devastated had we gotten that error the day we took the trip to Johnny's orphanage - so, praise God! Thanks to the generosity of "Linda and Steve" parents of Abby and Ana, we placed my memory card into their "extra" camera and didn't miss a beat. They will download all the pics, and I can take the the memory card home with me to keep.
So, a few notes of praise to my vast mothering experience. Yep. Big pats on the back. I mean, Johnny has to be the luckiest guy here with me at his side! Yesterday, while doing some paperwork for the embassy appointment on the 11th, Dan struggled with his newest son. He tried everything to get him to sleep - which Mr. Johnny desperately needed. But, I have to point out that Daddy's efforts were to NO avail.
"Have you given him a bottle?"
"Yes, he doesn't want it!"
"How did you make it?"
...details given...cold?...warm?...jostled?, wrapped?, unwrapped?...etc...etc...
"Maybe he just needs to cry it out."
15 minutes later he's still wailing. I mean, Johnny is WAILING!!!
Then, an angel knocked at the door. Tracie is an adoptive mom who offered to give us her Enfamil and rice cereal earlier in the day. She thought her new daughter may have some allergies and no longer needed her stash from the states.
What the heck, I thought to myself. He's OBVIOUSLY not HUNGRY (we'd tried his bottle several times), but maybe he'll TRY some of this. What IS this? Hamburger flavored rice cereal???
JACKPOT! "Mommy, I was trying to tell you I'm STARVING for some FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
It is a good thing it appears that Johnny is a very forgiving baby. That kid DEVOURED the cereal and I had to make two more portions before he started slowing down!
So much for my vast experience. (I think I hear you laughing at me.) OK, it IS kinda funny. But, cut me some slack - did any of YOU know that Chinese babies need to eat, too?
Madison, Abby and Adam - I MISS YOU SOOOO MUCH. Aunt Barb tells us you are being so helpful and well behaved. I keep saying it, but I hope you know how much we love you and how proud we are of you. You've worked so hard to make this happen. Abby, I hope your eyedrops are going well and your pink-eye is clearing up. Thanks, Pup, for getting her to the doctor.