We've been doing so well! Other than an intestinal bug, Johnny's labs are really good. He's adjusting incredibly well. It seems that he loves it here. I'm sorry I've been so negligent on photos! Hopefully, these will be worth the wait
The kids made a wall of homecoming pictures for our arrival, which hung between the kitchen and family room. Here we are!!!

The girls have been enjoying being the big sister to their littlest brother. Check it out!

By the way - Don't underestimate Abby's mothering instinct by the fact Johnny is sporting only one sock. Keeping his feeties covered is a full-time job these days.

He is really enjoying pulling those socks off. We've tried the shoes on game and there are times he'll even get the shoe AND sock off - just to show US who's boss! HA! You cannot see the writing on his shirt in the photo with Abby, but it says, "Made In China".

What a cute little face!
I think "Grand-ma-ma" is super enjoying her new little grandson!

Harley is dearling loving being an example of how much fun a dog can be. He's really come a long way. At first he'd paw and compete. Now, he's actually laying down beside Johnny and being a good, calm boy.

"That's my Golden!" Notice Champ in the background. He's just a gem. He's taught Harley everything he knows on how to be worth his weight in GOLD.

Here is a pic of Adam, too. He's getting used to no longer being the 'youngest boy'. He'll soon be sure once again that Momma and Daddy love him just as much as EVER!
Johnny has realized that when I hold the camera to my eyes that there is going to be a big flash. Accordingly, he's been closing his eyes before the flash even goes off!

What a riot! Get a load of those Converse tennies. They are a hand-me-down from his big brother, Adam!
And, one more for the road. This ought to help with those camera flashes! We were told it's hard to fit Asians with glasses due to the bridge of their nose being so flat between their eyes.

Well, there you have it. It works!
How wonderful to see Johnny doing so well. We think of you often and look forward to your updates. Abby Lin is also doing well, fully settled into her new home, new family and new life. The quiet little girl has blossomed. Aren't we all blessed. Please stay in touch and I'll continue to check your blog. Best, Linda